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APA 7 Resource Center: Parts/Chapters of Books

Parts or Chapters of Books with Different Authors or Editors

Special Notes:
  • Use the same format for print and ebooks, and check the ebooks tab for information about DOIs and URLs
  • For ebooks, you do not need to include database name, format, platform, or device 

Citing a Book Chapter

Author Date Title (SOURCE) Edited book information (SOURCE) URL

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.

Name of Group.


Title of chapter.

In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp.4-37). Publisher name. 

In E. E. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (5th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 226-245). Publisher name.


Vincent, M. (2019). Singing in the sunshine. In J. A. Fraser (Ed.), A guide to being happy. (pp. 76-90). Joy Publishing.

Johnston, C. (2012). How can we develop a dog-friendly park? In J. V. Smith & R. L. Connor (Eds.), The evidence-based practice manual for outside spaces (3rd ed.pp. 323-357). Animal Friends Publishing. https://www.afp.zoo/books/playoutside



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