APA Journal Article Citation
For those who prefer plain text over graphics, let's go over the information element by element.
Usually listed on the first page of an article
List author names in same order as listed on the first page of the article.
2 to 20 authors: Separate authors with a comma and use “&” before the last author.
More than 20 authors: List first 19, insert ellipsis, and final author’s name.
Format is Last Name, Initials. Place period after final author’s initials.
Example: Lee, J. R.
Example: Lee, J. R. Brown, G. & Smith, L.
(Publication Date).
Usually listed on the first page of an article or in the margins
Place year of publication in parentheses.
Place period after closing parentheses.
Example: (2023).
Article title.
On title page or first page of article
Write title in sentence case.
Only Capitalize: First word of the title first word after punctuation proper nouns.
Do not use italics.
Put a period at the end of the title.
Example: How to use APA in college: A student’s guide.
Journal Title,
Usually listed on title page or in the margins of the page
Use name of journal shown on work (abbreviations might be listed). Do not abbreviate it yourself.
Write title in Title Case. Capitalize most words. Place in italics.
Use lower case for: Words of three letters or less, except the first word of the title or first word of subtitle.
Place a comma after the journal name, but do not italicize it.
Example: Journal of Student Success,
Volume(issue #).
Usually listed on the title page or the margins of the pages
Italicize the volume number. Do not italicize the issue number.
Place issue number in parentheses. Do not include a space between vol. & issue.
Place comma after closing the parentheses around the issue number.
If no issue number is available, omit it and place comma after volume number.
Example: 10(4).
Page Range.
Usually listed on the title page, first page, or last page of the article
Include full page range of the article. No italics.
Do not include page abbreviations such as p., pp., or pg.
Separate numbers in page range with en dash (-). Place period after second page number.
Article #, no page #: Write the word “Article” and then the article number followed by a period.
Example: 15 - 23.
Example: Article 10023.
Usually listed on the title page, first page, or last page of the article
Use DOI, if available. Use the URL if the article was found online but not in a database.
If the article comes from an academic database and does not have a DOI, do not include a url.
Copy and paste the URL or DOI directly from your browser.
Do not place a period after the URL or DOI or write “Retrieved from” before URL or DOI.
Example: https//www.journal.com
Reference List Entry Example:
Author, A. A.(Date). Article title. Journal Title, Vol.(Issue #). Page range. DOI or URL
Lee, J. R. (2023). How to use APA in college: A student’s guide. Journal of Student Success, 10(4). 15-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/a0011111