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Affordable Learning Georgia at GHC

All the information you need to know about open educational resources here at GHC

Step-by-Step Guide to Grants at GHC


  1. Fill out the WORD version of the application form as a working draft.
  2. Email working draft to sponsor and request signed Letter of Support (typically the project lead’s Chair, Dean, or Provost).
  3. Email working draft to grant coordinator and request signed Letter of Acknowledgement (Krissy Shanahan).
  4. Submit final draft via online application portal along with letter of support and letter of acknowledgment.
  5. If notified of approval from USG, submit confirmation email to Jeff Gallant, ALG Program Director.
  6. Complete the online training on Creative Commons, Copyright, and Accessibility (login info provided by Jeff; you must pass the quiz before attending the Kick-Off meeting).
  7. Attend Kick-Off meeting (at least two team members must agree to attend…currently being conducted virtually).
  8. Jeff Gallant, ALG Program Director, will email the Service Level Agreement (SLA) as a DocuSign to the Project Lead soon after the kick-off meeting. The Project Lead will then review the SLA and communicate any edits or questions to Jeff Gallant and Tiffani Reardon (ALG Program Manager). Jeff and Tiffani will send the SLA (in DocuSign format) to GHC’s Grants and/or Research Office for signature and request initial invoice from the business office (Whitney Puckett).
  9. Submit signed SLA and initial invoice to USG (usually submitted by Whitney Puckett).
  10. Start grant project.
  11. Submit mid-project report (if required) to Jeff Gallant via the online portal by the deadline.
  12. Finish grant project.
  13. Email draft of final report to business office and grant coordinator (Whitney and Krissy) in order to receive a copy of the final invoice (Whitney Puckett).
  14. Submit final report, final invoice, and grant materials to Jeff Gallant via online portal by the deadline.
  15. Continue to complete yearly Sustainability Surveys from ALG.
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