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Information Literacy Objectives & Assessment

ILOs and Assessments for the Library, Updated Spring 2022

Objectives 2024

Information Literacy Objectives AY2024

About These Objectives 

The definition for the GHC General Education Competency “Digital and Information Literacy” reads as follows: 

Students will demonstrate modern and effective research abilities that allow them to determine the information needed, access, evaluate, and use information while using appropriate technology.  

  • Information Need & Access: Identify information need and locate appropriate sources 

  • Evaluate & Information Use: Recognize the purpose for which information is created, critically analyze it, and use it appropriately. 

  • Produce & Credit: Create learning artifact(s) that demonstrate an effective use of appropriate sources to the task and provide attribution to sources to avoid plagiarism. 

Underpinned by the ACRL Framework and using this competency as our focus, we have defined three broad groups of Framework Learning Objectives: FIND, EVALUATE, and USE. These are broken down into six content areas, and our lesson objectives follow from these content areas. 

** ILOs we are formally assessing for AY23

Framework Learning Objective: Find appropriate information effectively and efficiently. 

ILO 1: Introducing Library Resources 

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

1a) Explain the function of a library database. 

1b) Articulate the attributes of internet search results.**

1c) Articulate the attributes of resources located in library databases.**

1d) Refine and narrow searches using built-in database limiters. 

1e) Identify appropriate library databases for subject-specific research needs. 

1f) Search the library catalog in order to locate an appropriate resource. 


ILO 2: The Research Process  

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

2a) Explain why research matters to the academic community. 

2b) Identify appropriate resources for specific research needs. 

2c) Define the peer review process. 

2d) Apply skills to recognize and mitigate information overload. 

2e) Demonstrate appropriate source synthesis and integration. 

2f) Apply the steps of the research process. 


ILO 3: Keyword Search Strategies  

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

3a) Build an effective search strategy utilizing keywords, key phrases, and synonyms. **

3b) Use Boolean operators to connect keywords and conduct searches. 


Framework Learning Objective: Evaluate information and its sources critically. 

ILO 4: Source Types  

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

4a) Recognize the different characteristics of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. 

4b) Recognize the different characteristics of popular and scholarly sources. 

4c) Differentiate between types of source materials (e.g., books, journal articles, websites, newspapers). 

4d) Understand the different types of resources found in journals (e.g.: studies, book reviews, editorials, scholarly). 


ILO 5: Source Evaluation  

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

5a) Determine if a source is appropriate for the intended use. 

5b) Develop strategies to fact check sources. 

5c) Recognize editorial and personal biases when evaluating sources. 

5d) Identify differing viewpoints encountered in sources. 

5e) Critically evaluate data and their sources. 


Framework Learning Objective: Use information ethically and legally. 

6) Academic Integrity  

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to: 

6a) Develop an understanding of the value of information and intellectual property. 

6b) Understand why sources are cited in research. 

6c) Demonstrate how to paraphrase content. 

6d) Articulate when to utilize direct quotations. 

6e) Cite sources correctly in the appropriate documentation style. **

6f) Recognize different types of plagiarism and how to avoid them. 


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