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Chicago 17 Resource Center: Audio/Visual Media

Audio / Visual Media

Before starting the citation process, please make sure you are using the correct CMS style as required by your instructor!

Video and Film Recordings

Full Note:

1. "Scene Title or Number," Title of Motion Picture, directed by FirstName LastName (Year released; Place of Publication: Publisher, Year). Format.


1. "The Standoff," Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock (1954; Universal City, CA: Universal Home Video, 2001). DVD.

Subsequent Note: 

1. "Scene Title or Number."


1. "The Standoff."


DirectorLastName, FirstName, dir.Title of Work in Italics. Year Released; Place of Publication: Publishing Studio, Year.  Format.


Hitchcock, Alfred, dir. Rear Window.m1954; Universal City, CA: Universal Home Video, 2001. DVD.

Television / Web Series

Full Note:

1. Series Title, "Episode/Segment Title," WebsiteName video, Duration of Video, Broadcast Date, URL.


1. Once Upon A Time, "Second Star to the Right," Hulu video, 43:04, May 5, 2013,

Subsequent Note:

1. "Scene Title or Number."


1. "The Standoff."


DirectorLastName, FirstName, dir.Title of Work in Italics. Year Released; Place of Publication: Publishing Studio, Year. Format.


Hitchcock, Alfred, dir. Rear Window. 1954; Universal City, CA: Universal Home Video, 2001. DVD.

Streaming Video, Podcasts, Other Online Multimedia


  • When citing a podcast, set the podcast title in italics, and the episode title (and number, if it is included in the title of the episode) in roman with quotation marks. The date of publication should be included after the episode title rather than before the medium, as shown below.
  • Note: Inclusion of the word “podcast” follows the same guidelines as inclusion of the word “blog” above. “Podcast, MP3 audio” is used below, then, as an example placeholder and would not necessarily be required for this specific example.

Full Note:

1. AuthorFirstName MiddleInitial. LastName, of presenter/author, "Title of Work in Quotations," Date filmed or date posted, Sponsoring Body, length of video, URL.


1. Naomi Klein, "Addicted to Risk," December 2010, TED video, 19:49,

Subsequent Note:

2. Author LastName, "Title of Work."


2. Klein, "Addicted to Risk."


Presenter/AuthorLastName, FirstName MiddleInitial. "Title of Work in Quotations." Date filmed/posted. Sponsoring Body, length of video. URL.


Klein, Naomi. "Addicted to Risk." December 2010. TED video, 19:49.

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