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GHHU 2901 - Fleming (Online) - Summer 2023: Week Five: Systematic Searching

Systematic Searching

A note on planning your time.
Please treat this week as story-time. We have about 40 minutes of videos. At the end of this week, you should have your topic set. We are about to move onto compiling and making everything look pretty in the form of your final annotated bibliography.

A note on the lectures.
I'm reusing these videos from last semester. The order of lectures has changed since then, so if I mention something we haven't done yet - don't panic. I don't think the video is mismatched too much, but please let me know if you have questions.

Watch Video One (phone okay ~13minutes): The Set Up

Watch Video Two (phone okay  ~24 minutes): A Systematic Review
If you would like to follow along, here are the relevant links:
PubMed Advanced Search:
Systematic Review Example:


This one sparked a lot of controversy, and here are some of the secondary sources discussing it.

Mackenzie, R.J. (2022.)A popular theory about depression wasn’t “debunked” by a new review. Neuroscience from Technology Networks. Retrieved June 29, 2023, from [general audience]
Almulla, A. F., & Maes, M. (2023). Although serotonin is not a major player in depression, its precursor is. Molecular Psychiatry, 1–2. [scientist to scientist]
El-Mallakh, R. S., Doroodgar, M., Elsayed, O. H., & Kidambi, N. (2023). The serotonin theory of depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 1–1. [scientist to scientist]
Ghaemi, N. (2022).Has the serotonin hypothesis been debunked? Psychology Today. Retrieved June 29, 2023, from [general audience]
Jacobsen, J. P. R. (2023). Serotonin and depression—An alternative interpretation of the data in Moncrieff et al. Molecular Psychiatry, 1–2. [scientist to scientist]
Moncrieff, J., Cooper, R. E., Stockmann, T., Amendola, S., Hengartner, M. P., Plöderl, M., & Horowitz, M. A. (2023). The serotonin hypothesis of depression: Both long discarded and still supported? Molecular Psychiatry, 1–4. [author response to criticism: scientist to scientist]
Robinson, J. (2022, August 31). The serotonin theory of depression: How the media got it all wrong. The Pharmaceutical Journal. [general audience]

Chat with Ms. Betsy

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Betsy Fleming
Cartersville Campus
(678) 872-8089
Subjects: Nursing

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