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Student to Student: How do I use D2L?

This guide was created to help students navigate the beginning of their educational career at GHC from a former GHC student! Here you will find how to's such as connecting to GHC's internet, the basics of how to use Microsoft, and much more.

D2L=Desire to Learn


To access D2L you can use the Quick Links at the top of the GHC homepage. Or you can use the Current Students link. Once there you will see the login page. Choose MyGHC Login for Students. Login page


Once you login you will come to your homepage like the one pictured below. Your courses will be listed and you can select a class by clicking on its box. *Remember the little house icon at the top left of the page will always bring you back to your homepage.

Also, at the top right of your homepage you will see a bell, envelope and little chat box icons (arrows pointing them out below).

The envelope is for any emails you receive through D2L. This is not the same as your GHC student email (Ex.  They are two different emailing systems. So, make sure to check both weekly.

The bell shaped icon is for notifications. You will have a little orange dot (the orange dot will appear on all three icons as notifications come about) appear there anytime your professor posts something, new grades appears or reminders for upcoming due dates on assignments.

The little chat boxes icon is for when someone replies to one of your discussions. Again a little orange dot will appear to notify you of a reply.

There are links at the top of the homepage for your convenience such as Tutoring, Library, Student Engagement, Etc.

If you need more help with D2L please contact us.

D2L's home page with class list

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