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Library Resources for Faculty

How to Add a Librarian to a D2L Course

  1. Go to Classlist, then Add Participants, then Add Existing Users. 
  2. Set the Role. There are two options depending on the activities you would like to include in your class.
    • Librarian NG does not has access to the grade book, but can edit most content.
    • Librarian G has access to the Quiz and Grades. For the Librarian G role, you will need permission from the D2L Administrator (Jeff Linek), the Library Dean (Julius Fleschner), and your Dean. A simple email should be sufficient.
  3. Search for the librarian by name.  Add them as a Librarian so they are able to add content to the class. Note: Librarians might not be loaded into your system, check with your D2L sysadmin if names do not come up. 

    Screenshot of Add Existing Users

How to Add a LibGuide to a D2L Course

  1. Go to Edit Course -> Course Builder
  2. Add a Link (URL) under Add Content 
  3. Paste your library guide url into the Quick Link box
    Adding Library Guide
  4. The new link will show up in the Contents box
    Adding Library Guide
  5. And will embed itselft within D2L for easy access
    Adding Library Guides

How to Add a Discussion Board to a D2L Course

1. Go to the course.

2. Go to Discussions.  At the top, under New, click New Topic and add the new board.


3. Once you have the board created, come up with the assignment or purpose.  For example:


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