Check Your Professionalism.
If you have a silly/non-professional email address, use one of the many free services (like gmail or yahoo) to create a professional email address. That way your prospective employers can email you at Your_Name@, rather than fluffy_kitty@ It may seem like a small thing to do, but it could make a huge difference in landing an interview.
Check Your Reputation.
Is your Facebook, Instagram, or X account public? If it is, is there anything on your social media pages that you would not want an employer to see? Clean up your social sites or set them to "Private", because employers often look for you online before they call you for an interview.
Confirm Your References.
Ask your references *ahead of time* if you can use them when you apply for jobs, and make sure you let them know what positions you have applied for. That way they are prepared when a potential employer calls them, and are ready to share what they know about your abilities!