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Laptop Lending

Faculty / Staff Laptop Lending Policies 


Students have priority for laptop lending requests.

GHC Faculty/Staff may request use of the classroom laptops at the discretion of the library dean or chair for short-term use, pending availability.

Requesting Faculty/Staff are responsible for coordinating with IT, upon library approval, for any laptop settings and for transportation.

All laptops will be checked out to the appropriate personnel, and they will assume liability per policy below.


Loan Terms

  • Classroom Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis for in-library use or a loan not exceeding 24 hours. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the library dean or chair.
  • Laptops must be returned at the end of loan. Renewals are at the discretion of the library dean or chair, and must take place in person, pending no other requests or required maintenance.

Borrower Responsibilities

  • Laptops and laptop items may only be picked up by the faculty/staff member who will be using the laptop and/or laptop items. Your GHC ID is required for check out.
  • Borrowers are responsible for each item loaned which may include; (four pieces) the laptop, charging cable, charging brick, and a laptop bag.
  • Borrowers are expected to keep items loaned in good condition. Upon returning the laptop, borrowers may be asked by GHC Library staff to wipe down all materials with provided electronic wipes to ensure safe and sanitary storage.  
  • Borrowers are expected to report any laptop damage, theft, or loss promptly to GHC IT. Laptops are property of the State of Georgia and may not be repaired by outside vendors. 
  • Borrowers are responsible for removing and storing elsewhere all personal data before returning the laptop. GHC Library is not responsible for personal data stored on laptops after they are returned. 
  • Borrowers are expected to use the technology responsibly. GHC Library is not responsible for borrower usage of laptops. The GHC Policy for acceptable use of information technology applies. 
  • Laptop borrowers must sign a borrower contract once a semester. 

Failure to Return 

Failure to return a laptop promptly by the due date will result in one or more of the following:

  • Borrower will be locked out of laptop immediately.
  • Borrower library privileges will be reduced to in-house use only.
  • Borrower may be referred to collections.

Laptop Replacement Costs

  • Laptop: $1100
  • Charging Brick:$49
  • Charging Cable: $19
  • Laptop Bag: $30

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