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FCST 1010 - (All Classes) (All Campuses) - Spring 2018: Module 10


Step 1: Weekly Welcome and Checklist

Welcome to Module 10! This week we'll be discussing various topics related to money. After completing this module you should be able to:

  • Identify personal finance goals.
  • Create a plan to work towards these goals.
  • Reflect on possible challenges to these goals.
  • Develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

Due This Week:

  • Journal Entry #10 - Due before Thursday/Sunday at midnight
  • Challenge #10 - Due before Sunday at midnight
  • Going Further #10 - Due before Sunday at midnight
  • Content Quiz #10 - Due by Wednesday (Instructor's Choice - Quiz or In-class Assignments)

Step 2: Intro Video

Step 3: In class Activity

Your Worst Spending Habit

Everyone has one or two spending habits that they could do without. Some folks spend a little too much money on Starbucks while others just can't stop buying new apps for their phones. To do this activity:

  1. Take out a peice of paper and write about your worst spending habit for 1 minute.
  2. When you are done switch papers with another student.
  3. Read their paper and then turn it over. Write a least one peice of advice to help them with their habit.
  4. When you are done trade papers again with someone else. 
  5. Repeat this process until you have given advice to at leat 5 students in total.
  6. Find your paper again.

After you do steps 1-6 we'll come back together as a group to discuss this process.

Step 4: Weekly Journal

A big goal in FCST 1010 is reflection. As a college student it's not only important to learn and do well in your classes - you must also learn to reflect on your college experience and the new attitudes, knowledge, and skills that you are gaining. Taking time to step back and think about experience will not only give you a richer experience but will also help you learn and apply knowledge. Reflection is basically the opposite of cramming for a test - it actually helps you remember and use information for a longer amount of time (hopefully a lifetime!).A great way to foster reflection is by journaling. In FCST 1010 you'll be completeing a journal entry each week for Day 1 Homework. This journal entry is due before the second day of class each week. 

Journal Entry #10 - How do you feel about your current financial situation?

  • Are you happy with your current amount of income? Why or why not?
  • How would you describe your spending habits?
  • Describe how (and if) you are saving and/or investing money currently.

Step 5: Buy or Rent

Step 6: In class activity

Renting or Buying Your First (or Next) Home

Deciding where and how you want to live is a big deal! In fact, rent or mortgage expenses take up the largerst percentatge of most Americans' salaries. In this activity you'll reflect on your current and future living situations. To do this activity:

  1. Get with a partner. 
  2. Discuss the following topics with each other:
    • Do you have to pay a rent or mortgage now?
    • If yes, how do you make ends meet?
    • If no, how do you feel about renting or owning a home in the future? Are you scared? Excited? A little of both?
    • If you rent or own a home, what advice do you have for students who haven't yet incurred this expense?
    • If you don't rent or own, what questions or concerns do you have?
    • If you could live anywhere, where would you live and why? What practical steps could you do to make your dream come true?

Step 7: Weekly Challenge

Challenge 10: How Can You Get Control of Your Finances?

We all have a personal money story. Some of us grew up comfortably while others of us wondered if our parents could make it through the month. Adult life, too, presents a variety of money issues from a variety of sources including funding your education, losing a job, getting a divorce, having a child, or buying a house.

A powerful way to claim your past and shape your future is through storytelling. In this challenge you will be telling the story of your financial past and your financial future. In other words I want you to pretend that you're 90 years old and looking back on your relationship with money. This is a creative thinking and creative writing excercise. 

To get full credit for this exercise please write at least one page.

**Please submit Challenge 10 in D2L under Assessments/Dropbox/Challenge 10 before Sunday at midnight!

Step 8: Going Further

In order for companies to stay competitive it is paramount that they expand the products and services that they offer to their customers. It is not uncommon during the development of new products and services for managers to ask their employees to find how what it would cost to create or provide this new service. This process will always include two things: research and math. I know I said the "M" word. Don't worry...there is no math in this week's assignment.

Here is what you will do this week. Muffins Inc. has decided to begin offering a Snickerdoodle muffin. Molly Muffin, Muffin's Inc. owner, has found a recipe that she likes and has asked you to come up the figure on what it will cost to make these muffins. The attached spreadsheet has done ALL of the difficult math for this project. Your job is to determine the cost of the ingredients and put them into the YELLOW CELLS in the spreadsheet and include the name of the store you found the items.

Only put information into the yellow cells. If you mess with the other cells you, then you will have to fix the math. I am guessing this is not what anyone wants to do.

You will need to upload your completed spreadsheet to this submission folder.

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