This guide will provide refreshers and new information to aid you in the research process. First we will look at how to use Galileo tools in order to locate library sources. The second part will cover how to evaluate web-based sources.
The skills you will practice are:
The skills necessary to locate and evaluate sources are transferable to other research you will do in the future, in a library or work setting, or when using a general web browser like Google.
It's important to review your research skills before starting a project. To do that, watch the very helpful Research is Like Shopping video on the The Research Process page. It will provide a refresher about how Galileo and GIL-Find work. Additionally, if you would like to review the best tips for keyword searching, take a look at the Search Strategies page.
The second task is all about using the build-in database limiters (or filters) and Boolean searching to help you narrow down your search. This part will also show you how to locate a book (print or electronic) in GIL-Find, our book catalog.
Finally, you need to be able to distinguish between good and bad websites. If you can't tell a website is appropriate for your research topic, you might be missing out on some great information!
The work you do based on the content of this library guide and information literacy instruction will be evaluated as part of your research project. Locating excellent sources will help you write an excellent paper!