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BUSA 2205: Fundamentals of Computer Applications (OER): Unit 2: Intro to Spreadsheets in the Workplace

Unit 2 Module 1 Spreadsheets in the Workplace Intro to Excel

Unit 2 Module 1 Application Assignment

  1. Open a Blank Workbook in Excel and save this file under your First Initial and Last Name and course number (DBridgesBUSA2205).
  2. Research three (3) functions, other than accounting, that you can use Excel or spreadsheets for. From this research, write three 100 word paragraphs and site your sources. I would recommend researching a career field that you either are wanting to go into or have interest.

You will be submitting two files. Submissions without sources included will be given a zero.

Unit 2 Module 2 Spreadsheets in the Workplace Excel I

Unit 2 Module 2 Application Assignment

From the Microsoft Office Support page, use the Customize the ribbon in Office and review the information on what can and cannot be customized.

Write a one (1) page paper, approximately 500 words, summarizing what a user can do with the ribbon in Office, and how this might assist you in accomplishing task in either your college or professional life.

There are seven topics on this page; you have to drop down each topic to gain more information.

Do not just re-write these topics. Doing so will result is an automatic zero.

Read these topics, and describe what they do and how they may help.

Unit 2 Module 3 Spreadsheets in the Workplace Excel II

Unit 2 Module 3 Application Assignment

  1. Open the file that you submitted in Unit 2 Module 1
  2. Rename worksheet Product Sales
  3. Build a spread sheet with the following information
    1. Insert a row above A1
    2. Label Column A1 Products
    3. Label Column B1 Description
    4. Label Column C1 Price
    5. Label Column D1 Quantity
    6. Label Column E1 Sales Tax
  4. Choose a Style for row A1 through F1
    1. Make sure it is professional and easy to read
  5. Bold the text for the above data, and ensure that the font color is not hard to read
  6. Enter the following for rows A2 through A11
    1. Product 1 through Product 10
      1. Hint, here is where you could possible use the repeating data feature of Excel
  7. Merge and Center E14 and F14
  8. Use the same Style as row as above for Row A14 through F14
  9. Align all cells
    1. Horizontal Center
    2. Vertical Bottom Align
    3. Set all the cells to Wrap Text
  10. Set the Workbook Font to Times New Roman, 12 point
  11. Format rows
    1. C2 through C11 to Currency with 2 decimal points
    2. D2 through D11 to Number


 Save this file as First Initial Last Name BUSA2205unit2mod3.xlsx (DBridgesBUSA2205unit2mod3.xlsx)

Unit 2 Module 4 Formulas I

Unit 2 Module 4 Application Assignment

  1. Open your file Unit 2 Mod 3
  2. Change Sheet 1 to “Market Sales”
  3. Insert a new Sheet and name it “Product Data”
  4. Open the Excel file in D2L named “Wholesale”
  5. Copy the data from the Excel file name “Wholesale” and paste it into the Sheet named “Product Data”
  6. Calculate the “Retail Cost” (Column F) by multiplying “Mark-up” (Column E) times “Wholesale Cost” (Column D). 
  7. Copy and paste this formula for all the products
  8. In cell A17 enter “Average Wholesale Fruit Cost”
  9. In cell A18 enter “Average Wholesale Vegetable Cost”
  10. Resize column A
  11. In cell B17 calculate the average wholesale fruit cost (ignore the errors)
  12. In cell B18 calculate the average wholesale vegetable cost (ignore the errors)
  13. In cell L1 enter a label “January Sales”
  14. Resize “January Sales” as needed
  15. In cell L2 use the SUM Function to calculate total sales for each product in January
  16. On “Market Sales” Worksheet, change the label “Description” to “Category”, and change “Quantity” to “Quantity Sold”
  17. Highlight row 13, and insert a row
  18. Copy the list of Products and Category from “Product Data” and paste into cell A2 of “Market Sales”
  19. Resize column A and B as necessary
  20. In the “Price” (Column C) create a 3D Cell Reference that multiplies “Mark-up” (Column E on “Product Data” sheet) times “Wholesale Cost” (Column D on “Product Data” sheet). (HINT: Make sure you use your ! and spell the sheet name correctly)
  21. Save the Workbook as First Initial Last Name BUSA2205unit2mod4.xlsx (Example, DBridgesBUSA2205unit2mod4.xlsx)

Unit 2 Module 5 Formulas II and Charts

Unit 2 Module 5 Application Assignment

  1. Open Unit 2 Module 4 Application Assignment
  2. Make changes as necessary to correct assignment
  3. On Product Data Sheet in cell A20 label it Maximum Wholesale Fruit Cost
    • In cell A21 label it Minimum Wholesale Fruit Cost
    • In cell A22 label it Maximum Wholesale Vegetable Cost
    • In cell A23 label it Minimum Wholesale Vegetable Cost
    • Resize Column A
    • Insert MAX function in cell B20 to determine maximum wholesale fruit cost
    • Insert MIN function in cell B21 to determine minimum wholesale fruit cost
    • Insert MAX function in cell B22 to determine maximum wholesale vegetable cost
    • Insert MIN function in cell B23 to determine minimum wholesale vegetable cost
    • Ignore all errors
  4. On Market Data Sheet
    • Create 3D reference in Quantity Sold column to include January Sales from Product Data Sheet
    • Calculate Sales tax for all products by multiplying Price by Quantity Sold times 0.07 (This should be a dollar amount)
    • Create a Pie Chart displaying the Products and Quantity Sold, be creative in style
  5. On Product Data Sheet
    • Create a Bar or Column Chart displaying the Products and Sales from each week in January, be creative in style
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