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HIST 2112 - Thomann (Paulding) - Fall 2017: Books (GIL-Find)


GHC Libraries Search

Search for books, ebooks, DVDs, periodicals, and more @ GHC or other libraries:

Go to: Advanced Search @ GHC  |  e-Book Help Guide

Special e-Book collections: Popular reading @ Overdrive  |  Health sciences resources @ R2

Scholarly Books


Books can be popular, scholarly, general interest, or sensational too.  Books can be tricky, though, because they don't always make it clear if they're scholarly or not.

So think "APPLE".  

picture of an apple






Author - is the author an expert in his/her field?

Purpose - what kind of information is the book trying to convey?

Publisher - who made the book available? (Quick tip: university press titles are scholarly!)

Language - how sophisticated is the language used in the text?

Evidence - what sources does the author use to draw conclusions?

(This is just a brief list - for more on distinguishing a popular book from a scholarly book, go HERE!)

Requesting a Book


Want a book from another GHC campus?  How about from another school? Never fear, it's easy to do!


1. Go to the GHC Primo Catalog (or use the box to the left) and search for the books you need. 

2. Click on "Sign In" in the top right corner. You will need to sign in using your student email and password. 



3. After you have signed in, it will take you back to your search. Find the book you would like to request. Click on "Get It", this will open a box. Below that there will be a "Request" link, click on it. 



4. Choose your campus pickup location and then click "Request".


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