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English 1102 2014: Galileo (Advanced Tactics)

Old School

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying ay-oh Galileo

Keyword vs Subject Searching

Keyword Searches

  • Searches various fields in bibliographic records (Title, Author, Subject, Abstract, etc)
  • Allows use of natural language in searches
  • Often retrieves a large number of irrelevant results
  • Useful as a starting point in a database

Subject Searches 

  • Searches only the Subject field
  • Uses a specific vocabulary of subject terms, making it more precise but harder to use
  • Will only retrieve results relevant to the subject searched
  • Excellent for helping to narrow down keyword searches that retrieve too many results 

Boolean Searching, Truncation, and Wildcards

AND- Finds only results that contain both search terms....kind of obvious. 



OR- Finds results that contain either search term.  



NOT- Finds results which contain the first search term, but specifically excludes those that contain the second, even if they do contain the first.


TRUNCATION- Used to search for every form of a root word, symbols vary by database ! and * are the most common (eg evol* to search for evolve, evolution, evolutionary, etc).   


Wildcards- Uses a character to represent either any possible character or characters or sometimes even allowing for multiple words (check help files for which symbol to use). Wildcard searching is not often used.

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