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EDUC 2120 - Stephens - Fall 2023

Use this guide to help you learn how to write your references.

A Brief Introduction to Citations

Citations make more sense when you understand why we cite our sources in scholarly research and writing. 


Reference Examples

doi= digital object identifier. You format them like this: This is like a social security number for a source. If you have this, you use it over everything else.

Volume and Issue = These help you find an article within a journal. Journals contain multiple articles, and journals may publish monthly or quarterly. These are helpful if you need to track down a journal in print. Some medical journals like The Lancet have been publishing since the 1800s.

(online with doi)

Author A. A., Author B. B., & Author C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, VolumeNumber (IssueNumber), PageNumberSpan.

(online, or no doi)

Author A. A., Author B. B., & Author C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, VolumeNumber (IssueNumber), PageNumberSpan. URL/permalink


with DOI

Morey, C. C., Cong, Y., Zheng, Y., Price, M., & Morey, R. D. (2015). The color-sharing bonus: Roles of perceptual organization and attentive processes in visual working memory. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 3, 18–29.

Article from Library Database (no DOI) Horne, J., Knox D., Zusman, J., and Zusman, M. E. (2007). Tattoos and piercings: Attitudes, behaviors, and interpretations of college students. College Student Journal, 41(4), 1011-1020. 
Article in Public Domain or E-Journal Church, D. M., et al. (2009). Lineage-specific biology revealed by a finished genome assembly of the mouse. PloS Biology, 7(5), e1000112.
Newspaper article Kristof, K. M. (2009). New student repayment plan is based on borrower’s income. Los Angeles Times.,0,4774835.column
A webpage on a website

Schaeffer, K. (2021, October 1). What we know about online learning and the homework gap amid the pandemic. Pew Research Center.

Common Mistake: Using this example before checking whether your source is a journal article or an ebook. Remember, you would cite Wikipedia as an encyclopedia.

Author A. A., Author B. B., & Author C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, VolumeNumber (IssueNumber), PageNumberSpan. 
Journal article Wood, S. N., & Quackenbush, K. (2001). The sorcerer's stone: A touchstone for readers of all ages. English Journal, 90(3), 97-103.
Newspaper article Kristof, K. M. (2009, November 1). New student repayment plan is based on borrower’s income. Los Angeles Times 50(2), 3.
Magazine article Mnookin, S. (2006). The Da Vinci clone? Vanity Fair 3(1), 100-148.
Book Review Olsen, M. (2017) Collecting the core. [Review of the book Historical and Critical Dictionary by P. Bayle]. Against the Grain, 29(3), 34.
Article with no author Education in America and Britain: Learning lessons from private schools. (2009). Economist, 11(4). 20.

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