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Searching GALILEO
Use this page for finding articles in GALILEO (GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online.) Library databases and collections for journals, newspapers, videos, eBooks and more can all be found in GALILEO. You can search a little bit of everything at (see search box below), or you can focus on a collection with a specific focus. CINAHL, MEDLINE, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied health contain journals specifically for the the Health Sciences. You may view all library collections on the A-Z Databases page.
Quick Tips
Check Full-Text and/or Peer-Reviewed/Academic journals in the side menu. This is will limit search results just to evidence basedarticles that you can read. Otherwise, our databases will show you more than you can access. ALWAYS look at side menus for sorting options.
Leaving the Peer-Reviewed/Academic box unchecked will bring in results that include eBooks, newspapers, and encyclopedias.