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NURS (Online) - Summer 2024



Recommended Subject Databases

You can see all databases in our A-Z list. If you are looking for specific journal (e.g. MEDSURG Nursing), follow these instructions

Galileo Page Walk-Through

GALILEO Page Walk-Through

This video will walk you through how to use this page.


Searching GALILEO

Use this page for finding articles in GALILEO (GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online.) Library databases and collections for journals, newspapers, videos, eBooks and more can all be found in GALILEO. You can search a little bit of everything at (see search box below), or you can focus on a collection with a specific focus. CINAHL, MEDLINE, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied health contain journals specifically for the the Health Sciences. You may view all library collections on the A-Z Databases page.

Quick Tips


  • Check Full-Text and/or Peer-Reviewed/Academic journals in the side menu. This is will limit search results just to evidence based articles that you can read. Otherwise, our databases will show you more than you can access.  ALWAYS look at side menus for sorting options. 
  • Leaving the Peer-Reviewed/Academic box unchecked will bring in results that include eBooks, newspapers, and encyclopedias.
  • Don't use full sentences when you search. Choose your search terms wisely [click for short illustrative video]. This is incredibly important to getting a good set of results!
  • If you can't find full-text, or hit a paywall, please fill out the InterLibrary loan form.
  • If you have trouble with searching or accessing a database - ask in the moment.


Search Tips

Troubleshooting a Search Strategy

Are you searching in the right place?

  • Do you need a book or an article? 
  • Are you in the right datatabase?
    • PsychINFO v. ProQuest Newspapers
  • This "Search Strategies" page can get you started.

What  words are you plugging into the search box?

  • Think of how many ways to say the same thing and search for those terms
    • Consider: slang, jargon, time period, geography, politics
  • The PICO model may help you structure your search
    • Person/Problem 

Take full advantage of Database Features and Advanced Search

  • Different databases will have different features 
    • For example: CINAHL will let you limit your results by author as nurse
  • Look at the drop down menus
    • Are you looking for an author, journal, title etc? These are particular helpful if need re-find that article you forgot to cite...
  • Use AND and OR to refine your search. Short explanation here.

Use CINAHL & MeSH Headings

  • This is a fancy way of saying that someone has looked at an article and has decided it about topic X. 
    • For example, using the CINAHL heading "Myocardial Infarction" will search for articles with both "myocardial infarction" and "heart attack." 

CTRL (or CMD)  + F

  • If you are looking for something specific, using the "find" feature can help you sort through articles more quickly.

Ask for Help

  • Look for the "Help" button. Some databases are more helpful than others, but you can often find video tutorials and search tips.
  • Youtube. Librarians love to post "how-to" videos about library databases. A quick search could save you a lot of time.  
  • Ask your librarian. 


  • The worst thing that can happen is that you get 0 results.
  • It's less stressful to search for something you want or need, than for an assignment. You'll learn along the way.
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