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Library LibFAQ Edit Guide: Home

A how to guide for editing the library LibFAQ's.


Where are our FAQ's?

On the library homepage, scroll down until you see Need help? Ask! on the right side of the page. This is where our FAQ's are located.

Step 1

Once you are on the Library FAQ page, it will look like the image below. Pick the question you wish to edit and click on it!

Step 3

You are now ready to edit!

Some things that you are checking in this section include; links, are they all working links (if broken, remove them), directions, are the directions clear and do they still contain the correct steps/answers, add source links (if you know of better source links, include them), and look at style (does the answer look professional, uniform text where appropriate, grammar checked, etc).

Step 2

Now you have the question you want to edit.

Click the Edit FAQ  link on the right side of the page.

Step 4

Make sure once you are done editing that you click on Save Answer Text and preview what it will look like before you move onto another question. When you're done, click Change Status, but don't actually change it! Just hit save!

And now you know how to edit our FAQ's!

Happy editing! :)

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