Parents of Emerging Adults Interview
For this assignment, you need to interview the parent of an emerging adult (18 – 25). Examples of questions to discuss, which are based off of research by Arnett & Schwab (2013), are found below. For your paper, summarize your interview experience. Then, identify and explain at least three specific course concepts or principles that are relevant to your interview experience. For each concept or principle, explain how your understanding of this information enhanced your experience.
- How often are you in contact with your emerging adult child?
- What means do you most frequently use to keep in contact (face-to-face, phone calls, texting, social media, etc.)?
- How has your relationship changed with your emerging adult child over time?
- How much financial support do you provide to your child? How does this compare with what your parents provided when you were in your twenties?
- What are the main sources of conflict, if any, that you have with your child at this stage of life?
- What are the main worries and concerns that you have about your child?
- Which of the following factors do you consider to be important in reaching adulthood? (accepting responsibility for oneself; becoming financially independent; making independent decisions; finishing education; getting married; move out of parents' house)
- Do you see your child as an adult?
- Many people believe that young people today take longer to reach adulthood than 30 or 40 years ago. Do you see this as positive, negative, or both? Why?