Dr. Jacqueline Belwood
Associate Professor of Biology
Email: jbelwood@highlands.edu
Lisa Branson
Associate Professor of Biology
Email: lblumke@highlands.edu
Dr. Mark Knauss
Professor of Biology
Email: mknauss@highlands.edu
Brandy Rogers
Instructor of Biology
Email: brogers@highlands.edu
Kimberly Subacz
Assistant Professor of Biology
Email: ksubacz@highlands.edu
Ericka Walczak
Instructor of Biology
Email: ewalczak@highlands.edu
Welcome to the Georgia Highlands College Principles of Biology LibGuide!
Principles of Biology courses use the free OpenStax textbook, Biology 2e. Links to each chapter are provided throughout this LibGuide, or you may download the full text here: https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e
BIOL 1107K: Principles of Biology I - Chapters 1 - 20
BIOL 1108K: Principles of Biology II - Chapters 21 - 47
In addition, you will find several resources throughout this LibGuide to help you succeed in your biology course.
Each course tab is organized by chapter and contains the following: link to OpenStax textbook, lecture notes, and instructional videos.