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American History 2--HIST 2112 (OER): Chapter 29: The Triumph of the Right

American Yawp Chapter Summary

Speaking to Detroit autoworkers in October of 1980, Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan described what he saw as the American Dream under Democratic President Jimmy Carter. The family garage may have still held two cars, cracked Reagan, but they were “both Japanese and they’re out of gas.”1 The charismatic former governor of California suggested that a once-proud nation was running on empty. But Reagan held out hope for redemption. Stressing the theme of “national decline,” he nevertheless promised to make the United States once again a glorious “city upon a hill.”2 In November, Reagan’s vision triumphed.

Reagan rode the wave of a powerful political movement often referred to as the “New Right” to contrast the more moderate brand of conservatism popular after World War II. By the 1980s the New Right had evolved into the most influential wing of the Republican Party and could claim significant credit for its electoral successes. Building upon the gradual unraveling of the New Deal political order in the 1960s and 1970s,((See Chapter 28, “The Unraveling.”)) the conservative movement not only enjoyed the guidance of skilled politicians like Reagan but drew tremendous energy from a broad range of grassroots activists. Countless ordinary citizens–newly mobilized Christian conservatives, in particular–helped the Republican Party steer the country onto a rightward course. As enduring conflicts over race, economic policy, sexual politics, and foreign affairs fatally fractured the liberal consensus that had dominated American politics since the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, the New Right attracted support from “Reagan Democrats,” blue-collar voters who had lost faith in the old liberal creed.

The rise of the right affected Americans’ everyday lives in numerous ways. The Reagan administration’s embrace of free markets dispensed with the principles of active income redistribution and social welfare spending that had animated the New Deal and Great Society in the 1930s and 1960s. And as American liberals increasingly embraced a “rights” framework directed toward African Americans, Latinos, women, lesbians and gays, and other marginalized groups, conservative policymakers targeted the regulatory and legal landscape of the United States. Critics complained that Reagan’s policies served the interests of corporations and wealthy individuals and pointed to the sudden widening of economic inequality, but the New Right harnessed popular distrust of regulation, taxes, and “bureaucrats” and conservative activists celebrated the end of hyperinflation and substantial growth in the gross domestic product.

In many ways, however, the rise of the right promised more than it delivered. Battered but intact, the social welfare programs of the New Deal and Great Society (for example, Social Security, Medicaid, and Aid to Families With Dependent Children) survived the 1980s. Despite Republican vows of fiscal discipline, both the federal government and the national debt ballooned. At the end of the decade, conservative Christians viewed popular culture as more vulgar and hostile to their values than ever before. And in the near term, the New Right registered only partial victories on a range of public policies and cultural issues. Yet, from a long-term perspective, conservatives achieved a subtler and more enduring transformation of American politics and society. In the words of one historian, the conservative movement successfully “changed the terms of debate and placed its opponents on the defensive.”3 Liberals and their programs and their policies did not disappear, but they increasingly fought battles on terrain chosen by the New Right. Read more from Chapter 29 of the American Yawp.

Things to Consider

Questions to be thinking about as you move through the content of this chapter

  1. How to explain the shift from the apex of liberalism with LBJ’s Great Society of the 1960s, to the Conservative Revolution of the Reagan Era twelve years later?
  2. Why did the American consensus break down on nearly every public issue, from Vietnam and the containment of communism, to the role of sexuality in people’s everyday lives?
  3. Your text spoke of the “rights revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s.  What does this mean?
  4. What factors diminished President Carter’s effectiveness?
  5. What factors led to Ronald Reagan’s election as President?

Learning Objectives and Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Identify key events that define change over time in a particular place or region, and identify how change occurs over time
  • Recognize a range of viewpoints in historical narratives
  • Understand the dynamics of change over time
  • Explore the complexity of the human experience, across time and space
  • Distinguish between historical facts and historical interpretations
  • Evaluate a variety of historical sources for their credibility, position, significance, and perspective

Course Objectives

  • The student will understand the rise of conservatism since the 1970s in the United States.
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