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Biology 1020: Plants, Society and the Environment: Unit 2

Unit 2

Topics covered in this unit include, but not limited to the follow:

  1. Energy production in cells
  2. Process of photosynthesis
  3. Mineral and soil nutrition in plants
  4. Transport of nutrients in plants

This page contains various resources to help students either get clarity or enable further exploration of specific topics covered in class. If you find more resources or related resources that you find helpful, then please contact your instructor to have it added

Films on Demand

Below are some segments from a plant biology film that support the concepts we cover in unit 2. Click on the link to watch the segment. Note: you may have to log into Galileo to watch each segment.


Cell Respiration

Movement of water

Plant nutrients

Photosynthesis AND Cell Respiration


Cell respiration

Water and nutrients

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