This chat goes directly to librarians, Betsy & Melanie.
Contact Us Directly
Betsy Fleming, MLIS
Cartersville Library
(678) 872-8089
Melanie Vincent, MLIS
Rome Library
(706) 368-7731
Planning Ahead?
Use this page to learn, find help citing your sources, and setting up your papers in APA.
APA 7 (American Psychological Society) is the citation style you will use to format your papers and cite your sources. This is the common citation style for scholarly communication in the Social Sciences, Dental Hygiene, and Nursing. If you are more familiar with MLA or Chicago, know that APA will require the same sort of information, just re-arranged slightly.
This GHC tutorial will teach the basics of formatting your paper, citing, and creating references.
We proofread a lot of references, and based on that, we recommend that you: