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HIST 2154 - Minorities in US History (OER): Module 5: Industrialization & Urbanization, 1880-1920

This guide is designed to share teaching resources and OER materials for HIST 2154: MInorities in US History, created under an ALG Continuous Improvement Grant

Module Overview

This module is designed to introduce students to the history of Native Americans, African Americans, Latinx Americans, and Asian Americans, and women during the era of industrialization and urbanization.

Module Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify the key mechanisms of forced assimilation used by the US government between 1880 and 1920
  • Evaluate the impact of forced assimilation on Native American tribes between 1880 and 1920
  • Explain the origins and implications of the Jim Crow laws on the lives of African Americans in the South.
  • Compare and contrast the civil rights activism of Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Dubois
  • Analyze the role played by women in the reforms of the Progressive era
  • Account for the growth and increasing success of the women's suffrage movement during the period from 1880-1920
  • Describe the reasons for increased Mexican immigration to the US in the early 20th century
  • Explain the reasons for the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Primary Sources

Topic 1: Native American Voices in the Age of Industrialization & Urbanization

Topic 2: African American Voices in the Age of Industrialization & Urbanization

Topic 3: Women’s Voices in the Age of Industrialization & Urbanization

Topic 4: Latinx Voices in the Age of Industrialization & Urbanization

Topic 5: Asian American Voices in the Age of Industrialization & Urbanization

Sample Lesson Plan (Using these Materials)

Module 3 Guiding Questions

Native American Voices 

  • What is meant the phrase “Age of Assimilation” with respect to Native Americans between 1880 and 1920? What strategies did the US government use to attempt to force assimilation on indigenous tribes after the end of the “Indian Wars” of the 1870s? 

  • What was the impact of the Dawes (Allotment) Act tribal culture? 

  • What was the purpose of “Indian Boarding Schools?”  

African American Voices 

  • What is meant by the phrase “Jim Crow Laws.” How & why did they develop? (Be sure to consider the role of Reconstructions, the Black Codes, and Plessy v. Ferguson when answering this question.) How did they govern the lives of African Americans in the American South?  

  • Compare and contrast the civil rights activism of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. 

  • Describe the work/activism of Ida B. Wells. 

  • What factors led to the Great Migration beginning in 1916? 

Women’s Voices 

  • What role did women play in the reform movements of the Progressive era? 

  • What were the most important reasons that advocates gave for women’s suffrage (in other words, why did they think that women deserved the right to vote)? How did opponents of women’s suffrage react? 

Latinx American Voices 

  • How did the Mexican Revolution contribute to increased Mexican immigration to the United States? 

  • What kinds of discrimination did Mexican immigrants face in the United States? 

Asian American Voices 

  • According to these documents, what kinds of discrimination did Asian immigrants face in the United States between 1880 and 1920? 

  • What was the Chinese Exclusion Act? How did it pass? How is it an example of “nativism?” 

  • What groups were most likely to support the Chinese Exclusion Act? Why? What groups were most likely to oppose the Act? Why? 

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