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HIST 2154 - Minorities in US History (OER): Module 1: European Colonization & the British Colonial Era, 1607-1775

This guide is designed to share teaching resources and OER materials for HIST 2154: MInorities in US History, created under an ALG Continuous Improvement Grant

Module Overview

This module is designed to introduce students to the history of Native Americans, African Americans, and women during the colonial era.

Module Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Account for the diversity of Native American tribes in North America prior to the arrival of the Europeans
  • Discuss points of cooperation and conflict between Native Americans and Europeans during the colonial period
  • Identify Eurocentric biases in traditional representations of Native Americans in the historical record
  • Explain the origins of the race-based, chattel slavery in the United States
  • Analyze the causes and consequences of slave revolts in the 17th and 18th centuries
  • Recognize the diversity of women's experiences in colonial America, particularly as it related to socio-economic class
  • Evaluate the role of religion in the lives of colonial women

Primary Sources

Topic 1: Native American Indian Voices in British Colonial America

Topic 2: African American Voices in British Colonial America

Topic 3: Women’s Voices in British Colonial America

Teaching Materials: Videos

Crash Course US History [CC-BY-SA]

Crash Course Black American History [CC-BY-SA]

Khan Academy, [CC-BY-SA]

Black History in Two Minutes [Licensing/Use Statement]



Teaching Materials: Readings

The American Yawp Textbook [CC-BY-SA]

African American History Textbook [CC-BY-SA]

Teaching American Indian History with Primary Sources [NPS, Public Domain]

World History Encyclopedia [CC-BY-NC-SA]

Women & the American Story [New York Historical Society, Use Statement]

The Conversation [CC-BY-ND]


Sample Lesson Plan (Using these Materials)

Other Teaching Material (CC-BY)

Stanford History Education Group (SHEG)
requires free account to download teaching materials

History Matters (HM)

National Archives: Docs Teach [Public Domain] 

Module 1 Guiding Questions

Native American Voices

  • What accounts for the diversity of Native American experiences in North America prior to the arrival of the Europeans? What role did geography play? 

  • Identify at least 3 different points of cooperation and conflict between Native Americans and Europeans during the colonial period, particularly as they emerged in the primary sources. Some points to consider: 

    • Trade between colonists and Native Americans 

    • Native American resistance and Revolts 

    • Captivity Narratives 

  • How did Europeans depict Native Americans in ...How did that skew the historical record? In what ways does “reinserting Native American voices” into the historical narrative help correct those errors? What are the limits of that effort? 

African American Voices

  • Explain the origins of race-based, chattel slavery in the United States. What role did Bacon’s Rebellion play? 

  • What were the causes of slave revolts in the 17th and 18th centuries? What were the consequences? (Note: pay particular attention to the Stono Rebellion and the New York Conspiracy Trials) 

Women's Voices

  • In what ways did women's experiences in colonial America differ based on socio-economic class? 

  • What role did religion play in the lives of colonial women? 


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