ENGL 1102 - Abbott (Online) - Summer 2021

How to Find an Opinion Article

So you need an opinion article from a major newspaper. How do you find that? The links above are all for different newspapers in Galileo. Choose one, and then follow these instructions.

First, if you’re not signed in, it will prompt the OpenAthens login (choose Student and use your network login). 

To find opinion essays, use the “Search within the Publication” bar and type Opinion: (See below)

If you want  to search for a particular topic, after you search for opinion you'll see something like this in the top left corner:

After this text, type AND and then add your keyword!


For this assignment, you will access a newspaper in Galileo and search for an op-ed (in old-school newspaper language, it meant "opposite the editorial page, but we often call them "opinion editorials"). They are articles written for a newspaper or magazine, usually by someone who does not work for the publication, that expresses their personal opinion about a particular subject.

Use the links and easy instructions to the right and get started!

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