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English: Assignment


English 1102 Research Paper Fall 13                                                                                                      Hershey

Due date: starting Thursday, September 19

Length: 1600-2200 words (4-6 double-spaced pages in 12 point Times New Roman)

The Research Paper should present a thesis developed from one of the topics that I give you. The thesis must be persuasive or argumentative. The paper itself should work toward proving a particular viewpoint on the subject. The research should support your attitudes and observations—and not be the paper itself. The research should be presented in the form of correctly cited direct quotes and paraphrases—but only in support of your own observations.

The Research Paper must include the following when you turn it in:

  1. Identification on the first page of the paper with the following information: your name, course, instructor’s name, due date, title – no separate title page (see sample in Harbrace Essentials);
  2. The Text of the paper – typed using Microsoft Word, double-spaced.  Your last name and the page number should appear on every page in a right justified header.  The paper should have a 12-point font. Papers with a text shorter than 1200 words or longer than 3000 words will not receive a passing grade.  You will need to turn in a hard copy, but keep a copy on disk or hard drive for back-up;
  3. Citations should be included within the body of the text where appropriate;
  4. Works Cited page should be a separate page at the end of the paper. It is not to be counted as one of the 4-6 required length pages or the required word count.

All documentation –citations, works cited form, etc—must follow exactly the MLA form outlined in Harbrace Essentials.

Papers will be graded in my office by appointment. The final paper should be printed out. You should bring with you to your appointment the complete research packet.  The following must be included in that packet:

1.     Final draft of paper—with works cited page;

2.     Note cards—or well-organized substitutes on loose-leaf paper;

3.     Outline and rough draft of paper—printed out or handwritten;

4.     Photocopies of cited source material—whole copied pages. These copies should be marked to correspond with each citation, preferably by page number and paragraph. Each copied page should have the author’s name and page number clearly marked. The copies should be sorted in roughly the order that they are used in the research paper.   Online sources cab be printed out—but only those pages with information that you are using will be needed.

Sources: You must use some combination of books, magazines, newspapers, or computer sources. A paper using fewer than five sources will not be accepted. The maximum number of sources to be included is ten.  Computer Sources: The most reliable computer sources are full-text articles found through Galileo. Many internet sources are not valid.  Wikipedia, for example, is unreliable and cannot be used as a source.   I must approve any non-Galileo source. 

Schedule of Deadlines. Points earned for each deadline assignment go toward the "point" grade discussed in the class policy. They do not apply toward the final grade of the research paper.  Each deadline assignment, though, must be completed before the final research paper can be turned in.  (See separate page discussing these deadlines in more detail).

Thursday 8/29 -- tentative topic selected via D2L Discussion Board 5 pts.

Tuesday, 9/3 –—limited topic/partial bibliography 15 pts

Thursday, 9/5–rough introduction to paper, outline  15 pts

Tuesday, 9/10—working bibliography in correct form (no source changes after this without permission).  (Note cards should also be completed this week, although not turned in until the final paper is presented.)15 pts

Tuesday, 9/17––complete rough draft as email attachment 25 pts

Starting Thursday, 9/19 by appointment (appointment schedule will be posted on D2L) – final draft with complete packet

Help: Consult Harbrace Essentials for the mechanics of writing a research paper—for other composition hints—and other chapters as you need them. Chapter 28 deals with Writing Arguments. Chapters 30, 31, and 32 show you how to find, evaluate, and use sources.  Chapter 33 deals with MLA format and includes a sample research paper.

Grading – Consideration will be given to a) unity, organization, development, selection and use of research materials; b) documentation; and c) grammar, mechanics, style.

Evidence of plagiarism will result in an automatic grade of zero and will be reported to the Office of Student Life.

The research paper grade counts twice toward your final grade in the course.







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