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COMM1100 - MacMurdo - Spring 2014 (Cartersville): Books

Find a BOOK at Georgia Highlands

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Find a BOOK at another school

Can't find a book on your topic in our library catalog?  Try the GIL Universal Catalog!

GIL Universal Catalog Quick Search
University System of Georgia (USG) Libraries and the State's Department of Archives & History

The GIL Universal Catalog searches the library collections at all of the colleges and universities in the University System of Georgia.  If you find something you want, you can place a GIL Express request and have the item delivered to your campus location for FREE! To find out more about GIL Express and how to request items, click here.
*You must request your PIN before you can request books... it's quick and easy (and did I mention it's free?)  Go HERE and enter your ID number and last name.  Then click "Get my Pin" - an email will be sent to your Georgia Highlands email.
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