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Hey, did you know . . .: We LOVE to Teach!

It’s no secret! Your GHC Libraries and Librarians are pretty awesome!

Teaching is What Librarians Do BEST!

Your GHC Libraries are TEACHING Libraries.  We provide our greatest value to our students and faculty by actively participating in the teaching and learning activites of all areas of the curriculum.

And, frankly, we're pretty darn good at it.


Assignment Guides

One way we teach is through Bibliographic Instruction Classes . . . here's how it works:

You assign a research project to your class -- it can be a research paper, a speech, a group project, ANYTHING that requires them to find a "source" other than their own opinions.

Then you contact the library to request a bibliographic instruction class.

Now the magic happens!

Once we receive a copy of your assignment, we assign your class to a librarian.  That librarian will probably contact you to verify the time and location for the class, as well as the parameters of the assignment.  After all, it's YOUR assignment, so we want to make sure that we're giving your students exactly what they need.

Next, your librarian will create a unique, highly customized web page that presents your assignment, along with all of the steps and resources for your students to successfully complete that assignment.  The web page is permanent (unless you request that we remove it, which is sometimes appropriate between semesters, and we're glad to do so), easy to locate, and continues to help your students until the assignment is completed.

We call them "Assignment Guides," and you're looking at one right now.

Here are some good examples:

Library Rock Stars


Karin Bennedsen

Jeannie Blakely

Amy Burger

Betsy Clark

Maggie Murphy

Susanna Smith

Bill Vinson


Library Associates

Christin Collins

Melissa Jones

Sumer Lang


Administrative Assistant

Theresa Kellett

Assistant Director of Libraries

Susan Vines

Director of Libraries

Elijah Scott

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